Sherlyn Douglas is in her second year as an After 3 coordinator and is joined this year with her co-coordinator Nicole Hartline.
Mrs. Douglas teaches 4th Grade at Hyndman, a graduate of Penn State University, she has been an elementary teacher for more than 20 years. She is married and has two children. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with her kids and pets.
She says she likes working with older students in the program than she sees in her 4th grade classroom. "
It is great to be able to see the kids grow and mature into young adults.
I think the program gives the students alot of awesome opportunites like working with drones, stained glass, different art techniques/projects, and many different types of technology. It also provides them help with their homework and gives them a great meal."

Nicole Hartline is in her second year teaching middle/high school mathematics at Hyndman - her first year co-coordinating the After 3 program with Mrs. Douglas. She is an Frostburg State University graduate with both Pennsylvania and Maryland teacher's certification. She has been married for a year and in her free time enjoys spending time with her husband and family.
She had previously tutored in the After 3 program, and said, "After 3 is a great program for a lot of our students at HHCS. What I really enjoy about After 3 is spending extra time with the students outside of the classroom. If gives me the opportunity to really get to know my students. The program provides is a great opportunity for the students to get assistance with homework that they may be struggling with. It also teaches the students skills outside of school that they will need now and in their future.