Welcome to Tussey Mountain After 3!
Tussey Mountain After 3 is available at no cost to all students in grades 6-12. The program is designed to provide a fun, caring ad safe fun place for students after school hours.
What does TMA3 do? Site coordinator Nikki Gephart and her staff provide a FREE hot meal, followed by small group tutoring time. Then, we break into groups for enrichment and recreation activities. The program is held at Tussey Mountain Junior/Senior High School.
We cannot wait for you to join! Click on the link for an enrollment form. Completed enrollment forms can be turned into the High School Office, Attention: After 3 Coordinator.
So, come to After 3 to:
* Enjoy a delicious snack
* Receive homework help and academic tutoring
* Be a peer tutor or Teen Assistant
* Participate in enrichment activities (4H, Nutrition, Technology, Aviation, career development, special projects)
* Play recreational sports (dodgeball, touch football, etc.)
Tussey Mountain After3 offers programming Monday - Thursday from 3pm - 6pm at the high school when school is in session. All programming activities and transportation home at the close of programming are offered free of charge.
What are you waiting for?!
Stop in to Mrs. Gephart's classroom, email her or Download or stop in the high school office and pick up a registration form today!